Waypoint Benefits & Financial Service Client Referral
Thank You For Referring To Waypoint!
On the Personal Lines and Fleet Referral please put name in Data Field “Broker Name” as (Name – WBFS Example: John Smith – WBFS). If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to info@waypoint.ca
Top Questions To Ask Your Client Prior To Sending The Lead:
Description of business operations.
Why is the client looking to talk to a broker? Is there a problem we can help solve.
Who is their current broker.
Have they had a review of their insurance in the past 3 years.
Preferred method of communication.
Questions The Waypoint Broker Will Have For WBFS:
How long have they been a Waypoint Benefits & Financial Service client.
Are they a preferred client.
Personality traits you have picked up on that may help Waypoint Brokers and what’s most important to the client (communication, service, advice, response time, price, etc.).