Home Owners

Home Insurance protects one of your largest financial investments, make sure you know what you are getting so you can be prepared for the unexpected.

Condo Insurance

Our priority is to make the coverage affordable and easy to understand, while also delivering the best personal service you should expect from an insurance brokerage.

Tenant Insurance

Your personal belongings, the cost to live in temporary accommodations, and personal liability coverage are examples of how Tenant Insurance policy helps you in the event of an unexpected claim.

Landlord Insurance

Renting your home requires specialized insurance including coverage for the home, reimbursement of rental income, premise liability, and coverage for landlord contents.

Luxury Home Insurance

Luxury Home Insurance

All homes are not created equal. For those who own or rent luxury homes or condos, Waypoint offers coverage that protects the true value of your home.

Seasonal Home Insurance

Seasonal Insurance

Your Waypoint broker can help assess your individual vacation home insurance situation for the best policy recommendation.

Common Add-On Insurance

Common Add-On Insurance

Home insurance policies are customizable, depending on your needs and situation. Check out some of the more common insurance riders available.