Ed Jackson
Financial Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc.
Insurance Representative, Waypoint Benefits & Financial Services
Ed Jackson is an accomplished retirement and financial planner with over 30 years experience serving the investment, tax and life and health insurance needs of clients. His focus is personal financial planning-based advice, services and product solutions within the context of client circumstances, perspectives and needs. Development of his planning skills started as a registered architect and succeeded through financial, retirement and estate planning education and practice.

Ed’s formal education includes a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of British Columbia and a Bachelor of Science (Math) from the University of Calgary. His industry training includes the Canadian Securities Course (honours) from the Canadian Securities Institute, Life Underwriters training and courses. Ed holds the Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) designation from IAFE- Institute for Advanced Financial Education and the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation, qualified through the Financial Planning Standards Council of Canada (FPSC).
He participates in industry associations and the Canadian Institute of Financial Planners.
His community and industry involvement included Past President of Advocis Greater Vancouver Chapter, Board Member and Volunteer of the Year of the West Point Grey Community Centre.
Ed is married with three adult daughters and enjoys good health, fitness pursuits of bicycling and hiking, and arts and cultural interests.